[LEFT]                             The light is a spatial soul,  under the demand for residentialization, people's appeals against  lighting, also rises from the basic lighting environment to create an  atmosphere, and pursue more comfortable lighting environments.
                            If you want to achieve satisfactory decoration, especially focus on the choice and design of the light!
                            This article takes you to decrypt the main lamp lighting design common 14 questions!

                                                                [LEFT]No main lighting design is a very  popular lighting design method in the past two years. It is sought  after by many people, but not all people and all houses are suitable.  The design without the main lamp is more challenging. It is necessary to  ensure the overall atmosphere while taking into account the lighting  function. The selection of lamps, the arrangement of lamps and the  installation of lamps are very particular, and the decision should be  made according to the situation of your own home. Finding a home that  suits you is a good lighting solution[/LEFT]